Tenuta Carretta, Langhe Nebbiolo DOC (Piedmont, Italy) Podio 2018

($19, Consortium Wine and Spirits Imports):  The regulations for Langhe Nebbiolo do not require exclusive use of Nebbiolo.  Growers are permitted to include a small amount, up to 15 percent, of some other varieties.  Indeed, the famed Angelo Gaja felt that adding a bit of Barbera to Nebbiolo improved the wine and when he did so was forced to re-classify what he formerly labeled Barbaresco and Barolo to Langhe Nebbiolo.  Tenuta Carretta, a top Piedmont producer, opts to include Barbera with Nebbiolo in their Podio.  It’s a wonderful blend that delivers both subtle floral hints and tarry ones.  One could easily mistake it for a mini-Barolo.  Attractive firmness and restraint high lights its minerality.  Lovely to drink now, it’s a fabulous bargain.
92 Michael Apstein Aug 10, 2021