Nuraghe Crabioni, Vermentino di Sardegna DOC (Sardinia, Italy) “Carbioni” 2022

($19, Vias Imports):  Vermentino is a go-to grape/wine when you yearn for a reasonably priced accompaniment for seafood.  That is not to say there are no great upper-end renditions of Vermentino — there are  —  but there are also many more affordable releases that will introduce tasters to the charms of this grape/wine.  Take this one from Nuraghe Crabioni.  It delivers good body with adequate, but not piercing acidity.  There’s a delicate saline-like quality to it, without being aggressive.  It is a splendid introduction to Vermentino.  Think of it as a Vermentino on training wheels.
88 Michael Apstein May 28, 2024